On October 5th, the "Societe des dames" was held at the Manoir
Mauvide-Genest in Quebec. The Societe d’histoire In Memoriam (SHIM)
invited and brought together 15 people from the historical re-enactment
community to participate in this unique project that aims to highlight
artistic, scientific, intellectual and women's activities, considering
that the majority of historical activities and animations in Quebec are
generally military-themed and camp-based.
Their event was an opportunity to discover a new part of life in Nouvelle-France in the 1750s, a slightly worldly one where people entertained themselves with wit and discussed the latest news; while occupying themselves with some arts and elegant work. One of the activities was a pharaoh lottery where several magnificent prizes came from my shop!
I am told that the participants were dazzled by the beauty and quality of the prizes; which greatly contributed to the excitement and charm of the lottery!
SHIM is focused on discovering and experimenting with new aspects of history; especially from Quebec, in order to learn more about life in the past and then put it all into practice in the context of historical re-enactments. SHIM has specialized in high-level historical re-enactments since 2001. With its unique and innovative approach, it is constantly renewing itself in order to reconstruct aspects of the past that are often neglected. Boldly, it shakes up the way things are done to make history more accessible while advocating a rigorous application of sources. Revamped in 2022 after a break, SHIM now shares the results of research on social media, through open activities by invitation, and also in collaboration with various institutions or organizations.
Their contact information can be found at -
Manoir Mauvide-Genest : www.manoirmauvidegenest.com
SHIM : Société d'histoire In Memoriam - YouTube (also on Facebook!)