I was invited to attend a dinner and ball on 28 December 2024 to close out the year! I have a very nice evening with good friends. The usual suspects were in attendance!
The theme was the Bals des Victimes or Survivor's Balls which were taking place all over Paris in 1795.
The Reign of Terror had ended, and Robespierre had been guillotined.
am dressed in the later 18th century attire when in the 1790's there
was a transition period. I am pleased with how my clothing came together
- my gown was made by Paupers Modiste via Etsy, silk open robe by Classic Costume, jewelry by me, and my headwear was borrowed from Elizabeth Figler. You cannot see my shoes but they were made by Rose Galante also on Etsy in the gold silk pumps (and so comfortable).
Krista Jasillo and I
Elizabeth Figler and Krista
John Douglass Hall, Gema Gonzalez, Shane Kippenhan, and I
Gema, Krista, and Heather Kenney (the hostess)
Harry Aycock, Liz Webb, Elizabeth and I
Elizabeth and I
Penny Di Palma and Miss Perry
Harry Aycock and I