Monday, November 23, 2015

18th Century Runaway Ads with Jewelry

When doing my research, I wanted to look to see if there were any runaway indentured servants or slaves that had on or with them any jewelry.  Here are the entries I have found.  I am also looking up the definition of some of the terms. (These will be updated and added to as I find them.)

The Virginia Gazette:

“ESSEX county, July 31, 1770. RUN away from the subscriber, in the night of the 26th instant, two Irish servants, TERRANCE GAFFNEY and JANE his wife, aged about 30 years each…JANE has a thin visage, and wears gold bobs with stones in them, and black callimanco shoes, with plated buckles...” Virginia Gazette, (Rind), Williamsburg, September 27, 1770.

“HANOVER TOWN, May 6, 1774. RUN away from the Subscriber, in March last, a likely Virginia born Wench named BETTY, about 22 Years of Age, stout and well set, wears Silver Earrings set with white Stone, and carried with her several Suits of Clothes…” Virginia Gazette, (Purdie & Dixon), Williamsburg, May 12, 1774. Postscript.

"RUN away from the subscriber, in Botetourt county, on the 13th instant, a convict servant man named JOHN MURPHEY, about 5 feet 3 inches high…  He was dressed when he went away in a white Russia-drill coat and waistcoat, and leather breeches, but probably will change his clothes (as he took with him a variety of others) and attempt to pass as a freeman…also a silver watch, with a double case, on the inner of which is engraved Stephen May, London, and on the edge of the plate under the case the same...a small pair of almost square silver buckles…”  Virginia Gazette, (Purdie), Williamsburg, November 17, 1775. Supplement.

Wenches, Wives, and Servant Girls, A Selection of Runaways in American Newspapers, 1770-1783, by Don Hagist:

“Two Dollars Reward.  Run away from the Subscriber, a young Negro Girl, about thirteen or fourteen years of age; had on when she went away, a white short gown, a black calamanco skirt, no cap, but a blank bonnet; of a fair completion, with three specks of the small pox on her nose, and has two of her upper teeth out, and a pair of gold bobs in her ears….”  Royal Gazette (New York), 3 August 1782

“Sixteen Dollars Reward.  Ran away, about nine o’clock last evening, a yellow Negro Girl, named Jenny, about 20 years of age, 5 feet 4 inches high, smart and likely, country born; she took with her a bundle of cloaths, consisting of one light chintz gown, a small figure with red stripes, one dark ditto with a large flower and yellow stripes, seven yards of new stamped linen, a purple flower and stripe, a pink coloured moreen petticoat, a new black peeling bonnet, a chip hat trimmed with gauze and feathers, four good shifts, two not made up and two a little wore, four aprons, two white and two check, one pair of blue worsted shoes with white heels.  She is very fond of dress, particularly of wearing queen’s night-caps.  She had in her shoes a large pair of silver buckles…”  Maryland Journal, 17 December 1782

Fifteen Dollars Reward.  Run away on Friday the 13th instant, a negro wench named Luce, about 30 years of age, middling, or rather low in stature; her right cheek stained of a different colour from her natural black, carries her head remarkably high, and seems to have a difficulty to open her eyes…had on when she went away a green striped stuff gown that has been washed, a dark blue moreen petticoat, a gauze cap and pink ribbon, no hat, she had also with her a dark purple callicoe gown…  New York Gazette, 29 June 1783

“Run away from the subscriber, in the night of the 26th instant, two Irish servants, Terrance Gaffney and Jane his wife, aged about 30 years each.  I bought them last July, of Mr. James Porter in Maryland.  The man has a white twilled suit of clothes, made this summer, two old cloth coats, two new white sheeting shirts, and some old ones.  He stole a pair of new shoes, made in the best manner, also a pair of Virginia thread stockings, with part of their feet of cotton, and an old fine hat lined with brown Holland.  He is of a middle size, and wears dark short hair, that curls around, and he speaks remarkably hoarse.  He understands waiting in a house and dressing hair.  Jane has a thin visage, and wears gold bobs with stones in them, and black calamanco shoes, with plated buckles, white cotton stockings, an old calico gown, and a very large scarlet cloak.  Whoever secures the said servants, so that I get them, shall have 40s, reward, besides what the law allows.  James Edmondson.  [Purdie & Dixon’s Virginia Gazette, 16 August 1770]”

The John Ash Dictionary of 1775, Volume I and II, defines the following:

Bob – something suspended so as to play backward and forward, a pendant, an earring, a blow, a gentle stroke.  Also known as a cut wig.”

"Dangle - To hang loose, to hang with a pendulous motion..."

Earring – an ornament for the ear.”

"Pendant - a jewel hanging at the ear, anything hanging by way of ornament; the part of a watch by which is is fastened to a chain..."

Stone – a substance generated by the earth, hard insipid, neither ductile malleable or diffusible by water or oil; …a gem, a precious stone…”

"Trinket - ornaments of dress, superfluous, decorations, toys; things of no great value, tackle, small tools."

Copyright K. Walters at the Sign of the Gray Horse.  None of this can be copied or used without the permission of Kimberly K. Walters.