In the very best style, Lucinda has done it again with her research in creating a beautiful and accurate book cover. I am very proud to be a part of this project.
With this cover, you can see that Antonia (Alissa Bourne) is wearing her emerald and diamond jewelry (necklace, bracelet, earrings, and ring). Added is a five strand pearl bracelet which is now also available in my shop! The "portrait" within the bracelet are from Noble Satyr.
That isn't the only wonderful thing about this cover, what is inside is also just as wonderful. The story line is fabulous. For those of us who love historical romance, we also like historical accuracy. When reading her books, you always receive those accurate details that some other authors don't go to the trouble to truly research. Lucinda's blog post on why she decided to update the covers of her books is located - here.
To watch the Behind the Scenes video - you can see it below. My jewelry is highlighted in the video, thank you Lucinda!