Friday, May 7, 2021

George Washington's Mount Vernon Revolutionary War Weekend 2021

      This was my fifth year at this reenactment.  It would have been the sixth if we had had the event in 2020.  Every year there is usually rain, and this year we had it BEFORE the event which made for great weather - albeit cool one day and hot the next!  Thank you to all who visited my shop and supported me, I am truly appreciative of your support.  I also want to always thank the ladies of the shop - Kerry, Robin, Krista, and Gema - for helping me.  I could not do it without you ladies.  I also wanted to thank our new friend, Heather Kenney, for gracing the shop and walking about showing off the jewelry that I make.

      On Saturday, the weather was cool enough for me to wear my new silk riding/traveling outfit.  The inspiration for it was, of course, from the 1988 movie Dangerous Liaisons.  I decided to have more clean and simple lines than the one worn by Glenn Close.  If you haven't watched the movie, it is a must to see - the clothing spectacular.  My hat and petticoat were made by a friend.  The gloves were found in an antique shop and fit me way before this outfit materialized in my mind.  Shoes are dyed American Duchess Historical Footwear 18th century "Dunmore" shoes when they offered them in white (the Dunmore is my favorite shoe in their line) and I am wearing - not shown - my topaz and clear crystal Charlotte shoe buckles (although the Citrine would have worked as well but I wanted a little pop of color on my shoes).  I found the walking stick in Gettysburg on a trip in 2019.  The jacket was made by Karen Bowler of Classic Costume.  I "met" Karen through the book cover project that I worked on with Lucinda Brant.


In front of my shop.  Photo by Krista Jasillo

In the gardens.  Photo by Gema Gonzalez

Shenanigans by the front gates on our way to the Inn for dinner.  Selfie by Gema Gonzalez

In the shop with Gema, Robin, me, Kerry, and Krista


In the gardens with Gema, Bill Buser, and Krista


Standing with Bill Buser (he owns Floyd).  Many know that Floyd is boarded at the same farm as my horses.  Photo by Gema Gonzalez


Floyd and I at the very first event for Rev War weekend in 2015.  This photo is becoming quite famous as it is on the George Washington's Mount Vernon website each year.  It is quite the interesting story as to how I came to be holding Floyd.  Bill wanted to pop into another sutler's tent to look at fabric!  LOL  I left my shop to the ladies for a bit to look after him.  I walked Floyd over to the water bucket to see if he was thisty, and when I looked up there were at least six photographers taking photos - I felt like the paparazzi were following me!  LOL  Photo by Tom Finzel


Robin in the gardens.  She is wearing an exclusive necklace set from the shop - the Forget Me Not collect necklaces and earrings are unique, sparkly, and she pairs it well in amethyst with her beautiful outfit (that she made).  Photo by Krista Jasillo

Rachel Bellis showing off her new watch string and watch from the shop (and looking amazing by the way).  Photo by Elizabeth Bersche

     I did not get any real photos of the event itself, although they are out there on social media sites - Al Pochek has two albums on Facebook of the weekend, and MS Photography LLC (Melanie Larson) was out and about taking photos.  Sunday was hot, but the weekend was wonderful, and it was nice to get back out there to a reenactment.  So great to see friends and acquaintances walking about and having a good time after the past year.  Mount Vernon had all safety precautions, and many were wearing masks (have to write this for those out there that like to nitpick and think we were not being safe - bleh - don't get me started).

Messing around with the jewelry, and I seem to be intent on what I am doing!

In the gardens wearing my new gown by Verdanta.  The fabric was a gift for Christmas. Fan given to me but I offer them in my shop.  Red, white, and blue SO patriot!  Photo by Krista Jasillo

Heather Kenney  - Photo by MS Photography LLC
Necklace and earrings from my shop

Mrs. Washington visited the shop to see what new items the General may need to purchase for her.  Krista helps with those selections!

The General stopped by as well!  Photo by Krista Jasillo

Gown made by Verdanta on Etsy, and the little silk mantelet in the background was made by Classic Costume

Pure silliness near the Bowling Green.  Photo by Jennifer Higgins
Robin near the garden doing her dance moves!


 Photo by MS Photography

Kerry looking marvelous in the garden. Photo by me

Photo by Jennifer Higgins - no reenactor was hurt in this photo LOL

It is a yearly tradition that we end our Saturday evening in the Mount Vernon Inn.  The food and drink are excellent, and the atmosphere with friends is fun and festive.  Over the years we have had many join us, and this year we really missed Laurel Kathryn Scott at the table.